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Rise Rigging is a specialty work at height firm that is
qualified to inspect & repair building of all types and ages

Adhere to SF Ordinance #67-16, minimize public risk, pinpoint damages for budgeting maintenance.

Facade Inspections

»Experience with all facade types and ages


​» Expertise with navigating the SF Department of Building Inspections


» Condition Assessments available for in depth proactive planning


» Single point of contact for access, inspections & repairs





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RISE is San Francisco‘s

premier rope access facade

inspection engineering firm.

Industry Expertise

» RISE are experienced, professional engineers


»  Access & safety expertise considering all circumstances


»External building

maintenance services


»  General contractor services


»  Fall protection engineering & installation




Rope Access is the superior

external building access method

for inspections.

Rope Access

» Excellent safety record


» Significant cost savings compared to mobile platforms and scaffold


» Rapid deployment

» Reduced impact to building

operations and the public








Building façade evaluation and maintenance is an important part of a building's long-term performance and safety. Façade inspections are required to assess exterior building elements that may become falling hazards in the event of failure due to age or seismic activity.


In 2016 the City of San Francisco enacted the San Francisco Façade Ordinance #67-16, which requires buildings five stories and taller to have a façade inspection every ten years by a licensed engineer or architect. The first required inspection depends on the age of the building as shown below. The first wave of buildings require completed inspections and reports submitted by the end of 2021.


Our Facade Inspection Approach:

Date of Construction Completion                            Required Façade Inspection Completion

Prior to 1910                                                               December 31, 2021

Between 1910 and 1925                                            December 31, 2023

Between 1926 and 1970                                            December 31, 2025

After 1970                                                                   December 31, 2027

Rise Rigging Licensed Engineers are experienced and fully equipped to inspect buildings of all ages, façade types and configurations. Our thorough and efficient approach meets San Francisco Ordinance #67-16 requirements, following ASTM E2270 - Standard Practice for Periodic Inspection of Building Facades for Unsafe Conditions. In addition, we have the ability to use Rope Access as needed to reach all features of a building while minimizing pedestrian and traffic disruptions. Rope access is the most efficient and safe manner of access and our efficiency is passed on as savings to building owners.

Our typical facade inspection involves the following steps:


  • Review of available information, including building drawings, maintenance records and discussion with the building engineer.

  • Provide a façade inspection plan for review and feedback from the building engineer and owner prior to our inspection.

  • Inspection of the façade elevations per SF Ordinance #67-16 and ASTM E2270. This includes an overall visual review, detailed inspection of decorative elements, protruding features and areas where we have identified potential issues.

  • A report detailing our findings, including annotated elevations and photos identifying the locations of conditions we observed. The report will meet the requirements of SF Ordinance #67-16.

  • Identify and report unsafe conditions to the building owner and Department of Building Inspection per the Ordinance. We will work with the owner on the best approach to stabilize the unsafe condition. As a licensed Contractor, RISE can also safely remove or stabilize any immediate hazards.

RISE Core Competencies:


  • Engineering at height

  • Building envelope services

  • Building facade condition assessments

  • Solutions for access and rigging challenges

  • Equipment installations and construction services

  • Rooftop anchor certification, fall protection design and installations

RISE Differentiators:

RISE stands apart from other engineering firms due to our composite suite of services. Simply combining access, inspection and repair into a single provider saves significant cost and time for any size project.  Steel frame scaffold and suspended platforms are inefficient, slow to deploy and often limited in their reach on building’s protruding features. Rope access has the ability to position workers on all features of even the most complicated structures to inspect and repair in a timely manner which lowers project spending.


Simply put, we can easily access elements of your building that others cannot.


The reduced project duration by employing rope access has a net benefit of not only reduced cost but the reduction in time and focus of building management allowing for other tasks and duties to be fulfilled.


The team at RISE is geared for customer service and we enjoy bringing value to our customers. We care for the properties we work on and enjoy the fostering of long lasting working relationships.


Give us a call today to discuss your project and we thank you for your time.

Contact Us for a Facade Inspection Estimate

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General Engineering Contractor Lic. # 1051954

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